Dabur Dashmularishta

Dabur Dashmularishta is a nutritional tonic for the entire family primarily for recuperation from day-to-day Lethargy, General weakness and Fatigue. Dabur Dashmularishta improves impaired Digestion and enhances Immunity against all types of infections naturally. It is an Ayurvedic medicine of more than 50 medicinal plants including Dashmula, the group of ten herb roots along with Ashwagandha, Manjishta, and Draksha as recommended by Ayurved; which helps in recovering from day-to-day Lethargy, General weakness, and Fatigue. It is also beneficial in post-delivery related stress & weakness effectively and naturally. It also helps in improving metabolism and increases digestion power.

Dabur Dashmularishta ensures a speedy recovery in post quarantine phase and makes your family physically fit and active to face the challenges of life. Dabur Dashmularishta is an essential tonic for the entire family around the year.


225ml, 450ml & 680ml


100% Ayurvedic

Complete Family Health Tonic

Rejuvenator & Revitalizer

Strengthens Mind & Body

Improves Digestion

Provides Strength & Stamina

Good For Skin Health & Glow

Fights General Weakness & Fatigue


How To Use

(Adults only) 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls (15ml-30ml) with an equal quantity of water after meals or as directed by the physician.