Ayurveda and Science

Elaichi/इलायची/Elettaria cardamomum/Lesser Cardamom/Sookshma Ela


Hindi Name: Elaichi
Sanskrit Name: Sookshma Ela
English Name: Lesser Cardamom
Latin Name: Elettaria cardamomum Maton
A tall herbaceous perennial with subterranean branching rootstock cultivated in warmer regions of India especially in north-eastern and southern states. Fruit is used as condiment and also possess several medicinal properties too.

Elettaria Cardamomum Medicinal Uses

Cardamom is known for its culinary uses worldwide. It is used in spicy dishes as well as in desserts as a flavoring agent. Also, it is used as a mouth freshner. Its use is also recommended by Ayurveda in the treatment of disease of oral cavity. It also finds its application in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, dry cough and external piles.

Chemical Composition

The fruits contain an essential oil. It possesses cineol, terpineol and terpinyl acetate.

Effect on

Pacifies Thridoshas.
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