Ayurveda and Science

Natural/Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Joint Pains

Home remedies

Joint pains have broadly been classified under Sandhivata and Ama Vata by Ayurveda. While Ama Vata correlates to rheumatoid arthritis in terms of pathology, the other type is close to arthritis from ageing. In both forms of joint pains, there is an involvement of Vata.

Ayurvedic ingredients

Ingredients for Natural/Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Joint Pains

Mustered Oil

Mustard Oil has great benefits in healing all kinds of ailments in your body including knee pain. It helps to stimulate blood flow in the veins around the knee and reduce pain in muscles and joints.

Dried Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. For people with arthritis, its anti-inflammatory properties are of particular benefit.

Black Papper

It is commonly used to remedy cold by crushing black peppercorns and adding them to a teaspoon of honey. Honey is known to soothe a sore throat, suppress cough and can boost the cold-fighting action of black peppercorn.

Common Recipes:

Massage of the affected joint has been the best remedy mentioned and observed by experience. The benefits of massage can be amplified if the massage is done using warm mustard oil. The oil may not offer a very pleasant odour, but a massage with this ensures relief.

Grind in your mortar and pestle equal parts of dried ginger, black pepper and a pinch of black salt. Take a teaspoonful of this mixture with water.

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Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold

Rheumatil Tablet