Mr. Ravi Kapoor

Mr. Ravi Kapoor is qualified as a BCom and Chartered Accountant. He is an experienced and veteran Investment Banker in India with an Illustrious career spanning 35 years in Banking and Financial Services. He superannuated from Citibank in 2023 as Head of BCMA- Banking (Corporate and Investment Bank), Capital Markets (Equity and Debt) and Advisory (Mergers & Acquisitions) for South Asia and India, with revenue of ~$ 1.2 billion. He managed a team of about 150 high quality and meritorious bankers. He has played leadership roles in marquee and global/local Banks like Citibank (18 years), Bank of America Merrill Lynch/DSP Merrill Lynch (10 years) and ICICI Bank (7 years). He has done over 600 deals across Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions in all industry sectors amounting to more than $500 billion.

He has extensive and strong relationship with CXOs of large and medium Indian Corporates, Banks & Financial Institutions, Multinational Companies and Sovereign Wealth Funds & Private Equity Funds.

Post Superannuation he has promoted 'Strategic Advisory & Capital Solutions Partners LLP' (SACS Partners), a LLP incorporated on September, 2023 to undertake Financial Advisory and Capital Raising for Indian and overseas corporates.

He is a member of National Committees on Banking, Financial Markets, Capital Markets and Corporate Governance of CII, FICCI for the last 15 years.