Ayurveda and Science

Patha/पथ/VelvetLeaf/Cissampelos Pareira


Patha Plant
Hindi Name: Patha
Sanskrit Name: Velvet Leaf Tree
English Name: Velvet Leaf Tree
Latin Name: Cissampelos pareira Linn Pennel
A climbing undershrub with triangular leaves and greenish inflorescence. It is commonly found throughout tropical and subtropical Himalayas. Stem of the plant is used in Ayurveda.

Cissampelos Pareira Medicinal Uses

Patha is used in the treatment of chronic non-healing ulcers and sinuses. It is also used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and in the treatment of poisonous bites. Its anti-inflammatory activity has been investigated with encouraging results.

Chemical Composition

Alkaloids like cycleanine, hayatidin, hayatinin and hayatin have been isolated from the plant.

Effect on

Balances "thridoshas".
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