Stakeholder Engagement & Materiality Assessment

At Dabur, we align our long-term business objectives with the expectations and requirements of our stakeholders. We continue to build a transparent and effective communication model for our stakeholders to fulfil organizational goals and build a sustainable business entity. It defines our purpose and accelerates our impact creation potential for our stakeholders who inspire us to survive and thrive.
Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder meetings, workshops and other events help us deepen dialogue and develop our understanding of important issues. Placing our stakeholders’ interests along with our business objectives, we stride forward together in this journey of building resilience, agility and responsible growth.

  • Quarterly Investor Calls with Institutional Investors
  • Investor presentations and one-on-one meetings
  • Annual General Meeting for shareholders
  • Press Releases about latest developments and new product introductions
  • Publication of Quarterly Results
  • Publishing latest updates on Dabur website
  • Annual Report*
Frequency :
  • Understand consumer needs to design,improve products
  • Dedicated Call Centre & Consumer Cell to address all queries and grievances
  • Consumer Activations, Participation in exhibitions & events to give consumers an opportunity to touch, feel & experience our products
  • Focussed Group Discussions to reach out to consumers across markets
  • Awareness camps to help them differentiate between a spurious product and a genuine Dabur product
  • Information sharing and free product distribution through Dabur website
  • Consumer Satisfaction surveys
  • Social Media engagement
Frequency :
  • Open Dialogue with the CEO
  • Strategy & Management Meetings
  • Career Development & Advancement opportunities
  • Talent management and succession planning
  • Cross-Departmental training programme for fresh Management Graduates
  • Learning and development strategy; Training programmes
  • Listening: Surveys and colleague groups
  • Transformation strategy to encourage diversity and inclusivity in the workplace
  • Rewards & Recognition
  • Web-based platforms to ease their functioning
  • Regular Health and Safety Discussions
  • Ethics Hotline
  • Teambuilding activities and exercises to help
  • employees stay fit and active
Frequency :
  • Dealer conferences, Townhalls and Business meeting, both physical and virtual
  • Direct contact and briefings
  • Open Communication with the CEO
  • Online Dealer Management System to help establish seamless business transactions
  • Ethics Hotline
Frequency :
Materiality Assessment

With the evolving priorities of stakeholders and their rising concern about the pertinent ESG issues, we at Dabur are also evolving to meet their expectations.Conducting a thorough materiality assessment helps us identify and prioritize the issues that matter most to our business and stakeholders.

Our most recent materiality assessment (2021), we ensured a wide spectrum of sustainability issues were incorporated into the risks and opportunities under consideration across the company. The assessment was undertaken by an independent third party to ensure complete confidentiality and impartiality.

Post the assessment, we have made efforts to tailor our activities basis the results. Dabur has attempted to and shall continue to address those issues identified as being most material to our business and stakeholders.

Our assessment led to 19 material issues being identified which were further clubbed into 15 thematic material areas. We shall also move ahead with developing ambitious goals with the vision of improving the Health & Well-Being of every Household, which is what we have strived for throughout our 138 years of existence. Our 19 thematic issues are:

  • 1 Employee health and safety
  • 2 Code of conduct
  • 3 Product lifecycle management
  • 4 GHG Emissions
  • 5 Waste management
  • 6 Consumer Welfare
  • 7 Board structure and management
  • 8 Risk Management
  • 9 Corporate Social Responsibility
  • 10 Water Management
  • 11 Energy Management
  • 12 Human Rights
  • 13 Labour Practices
  • 14 Raw Material Sourcing
  • 15 Supply Chain Management
  • 16 Climate Change Strategy
  • 17 Biodiversity
  • 18 IT Security and Privacy
  • 19 Policy Influence
The results of our materiality assessment are plotted in matrix below.

These 19 material issues are bucketed as 15 thematic key areas and further clubbed as E, S and G. With this understanding, we can develop action plans to further our goals according to our E, S and G touchpoints.

The 15 thematic areas basis these material issues are represented below :

  1. 1. Employee Health and Safety
  2. 2. Waste Management
  3. 3. Consumer Welfare
  4. 4. Governance
  5. 5. Biodiversity
  6. 6. Product Lifecycle Management
  7. 7. Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. 8. Supply Chain Management
  9. 9. Raw Material Sourcing
  10. 10. Climate Change Strategy
  11. 11. GHG Emissions
  12. 12. Water Management
  13. 13. Energy Management
  14. 14. Human Rights
  15. 15. Labour Practices
Material Issues for Dabur
download-pdfAnnual Report 2021-22