Financial Capital

Management Approach

Our robust liquidity position is by design and not chance. Our relentless focus on innovation, cost optimization and profitable growth has helped us build a strong balance sheet. At Dabur, we believe in not resting on past laurels, but going the extra mile to identify newer growth avenues and turning a crisis into an opportunity.

  • Key Focus Area
  • Economic Performance
  • Material Topics
  • Economic Performance

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Linkage

Economic Performance

It was another year of uncertain business climate for the company operations due to pandemic induced risks which tested the resilience of our business model and financial prudence. We leveraged our financial resources, brand management and advertising,technological know-how, traditional knowledge and global supply chain capabilities to steer the company through these testing times. With the global economy showing signs of recovery in the post-pandemic phase, we expect an increased consumer demand for our products, which will lead to a triple bottom line growth and emergence of new opportunities in the FMCG sector for sustainable value creation.

Last year, the company’s revenue increased as compared to previous financial year . The company maintained its strong margins despite the challenging business environment. The Operating Margin remained stable as compared to last year and we ended the year on 20.7%.

Our meticulous financial management has been instrumental in delivering these results.

Financial Results

Equity Data Share

download-pdfAnnual Report 2021-22