Ayurveda and Science

Bael/बेल/Aegle marmelos/Bilva/Bengal Quince


Hindi Name: Bael
Sanskrit Name: Bilva
English Name: Bengal Quince
Latin Name: Aegle marmelos Corr.
A spinous deciduous aromatic tree with trifoliate leaves and greenish-white flowers. It is commonly found in dry hilly areas of the country. Tree is also planted as an aveue tree near temples and in gardens. Fruit as well as bark of the tree are utilized

Aegle Marmelos Uses

Bilva has been used extensively in the treatment of dysentery and diabetes as recommended by Indian Ayurveda.

Aegle Marmelos Uses are as follows:

  • Aegle Marmelos uses include dried fruit pulp being used in many parts of India in preparation of summer drinks, which helps overcome sunstrokes.
  • Bael leaves are used in the preparation of salads.
  • Bael fruit pulp absorbs the toxins produced by bacteria and other pathogens in the intestine thus helping in the treatment of dysentery.
  • Bael can be used in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicine for loss of appetite.
  • Bael extract oil is used to cure respiratory problems.
  • Bael fruit is used in the preparation of candy, squash, toffee, pulp powder, and other eatable products.
  • Aegle Marmelos is anti-inflammatory in nature. Its extracts when applied on the exposed area, help to cure inflammation
  • Aegle Marmelos leaf juice with honey can prove useful for treating fever.
  • Aegle Marmelos can be used to treat tuberculosis.
  • Aegle Marmelos is rich in anti-oxidants which helps in insulin secretion which leads to low blood sugar levels.

Bark has been reported to have beneficial effects in diabetes.

Chemical Composition

The pulp of the fruit contains mucilage, pectin, sugar, tannic acid and a volatile oil. The wood ash contains potassium and sodium compounds, phosphates of lime and iron, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, silica etc.

Effect on

Pacifies kapha and vata.
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