Ayurveda and Science

Kanghi/कंघी/Abutilon Indicum/Atibala/Country Mallow


Hindi Name: Kanghi
Sanskrit Name: Atibala
English Name: Country Mallow
Latin Name: Abutilon indicum
Country mallow is a perennial herb. Stems, stout, branched, 1-2 m tall, pubescent. Leaves, cordate, dentate. Flowers, yellow in color, peduncle jointed above the middle. Fruits, capsule, densely pubescent, with conspicuous and horizontally spreading beaks

Abutilon Indicum Medicinal Uses

Atibala is considered balya in Ayurveda, which means that it increases  strength, vigor and vitality. It is used in facial paralysis and joint disorders. It is also indicated as a uterine tonic as well as an aphrodisiac.

Chemical Composition

Leaves contain tannins, carbonic acid, Aspargine, Magnesium phosphate and Calcium carbonate. Seeds contain mucilage.

Effect on

Pacifies Vata and Pitta.
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