Ayurveda and Science

Massage Oil

Home remedies

The main purpose of massage oils is to lubricate the skin to reduce friction while performing a massage. This helps give a smooth glide and easy workability to the skin surface. Some of the secondary benefits include nourishing the skin and acting as a "base", or "carrier" oil for aromatherapy essential oils.

Ayurvedic ingredients

Ingredients for Massage Oil

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheatgerm oil is a perfect addition for massage oil or for preparing carrier blends. · This carrier oil is nourishes and conditions the scalp and hair

Costus Root

Costus Root Oil is one of rare essential oils that is extracted using steam distilled from the comminuted, dried roots of Saussurea lappa. The oil is viscous, light yellow to brown liquid with extremely tenacious odor.


Liquorice or licorice is the common name of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of which a sweet, aromatic flavouring can be extracted.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil has a warming effect that, in turn, helps in reducing muscle pain. It also works wonders during winters when the feet are often cold.

Jasmine Oil

As an antidepressant, it leaves you feeling uplifted, calm, and positive, which assists with depression. Jasmine as a sedative calms the mind, body, and soul.

Geranium Oil

Geranium is used to improve circulation, soothe and stimulate nervous system functions, and contract body tissue, acting as an astringent to give you a better, more toned look.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties you can benefit from by massaging the oil on the affected area.

Olive Oil

Ayurvedic massage with extra virgin olive oil offers numerous benefits: Strengthens the body (circulation / toxins); Rejuvenates the tissues; Improve sleep (psychic cleansing)

Cherubic Myrobalan Fruit Rind

Terminalia chebula is a tree in the Combretaceae family, found wild in the forests of India and surrounding countries at high altitudes, that produces a fruit known as a myrobalan.

Blue Water Lily

The Sacred Blue Lotus was traditionally used to promote sexual desire, relieve pain, create a feeling of well being, euphoria, ecstasy and also increase circulation.It contains an anti-spasmotic called Nuciferin and contains aporphine.



Soak black lentils in water for 3 hours till they swell. 

Drain excess water and add fresh flowers and the tender stems of Blue water-lilies. Grind them together.

Coarsely powder the Chebulic myrobalan, Costus root and Liquorice and add some water to obtain an even paste.

Pour Sesame oil in a suitable vessel. To this, add the above mentioned pastes, milk and water. Allow the contents to boil on a low flame. Stir them repeatedly till all the water evaporates.

When only the oil remains, put off the flame. Let it become lukewarm. Strain the oil through a double layered muslin or a cheese cloth. On cooling, add wheat germ oil and one of the perfuming oils to it.

Blend well and transfer the oil into a narrow mouthed glass bottle. Secure the cap tightly.

Usage - Dilute this oil with equal amounts of olive oil and gently massage the body. Avoid it's contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Know more skin care tips at our blog.




Powder Nut grass, Cedar wood and Costus roots and blend them well.

In a vessel pour the mustard oil. To this add the herbal mixture, Cobra's saffron and water. Over a low flame simmer this decoction till all the water evaporates.

On obtaining the oil turn off the flame. Let it become lukewarm. Strain the oil through a double layered muslin or a cheese cloth. Add the perfuming oil and blend it well.

Transfer the oil into a narrow mouthed glass bottle and secure the cap tightly. 

Usage - You could use this oil directly or diluted with a small amount of sunflower oil or olive oil. Gently massage the body, avoiding contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas!




Soak green grams in water for 3 hours till they swell. Grind the grams and rose petals to make a paste.

Powder sandalwood, gooseberry, vetiver and Indian madder and mix them. To this combination add Lac and some water. Blend them together.

In a suitable vessel blend the Sunflower oil or RBO with both the mixtures and water. Let it simmer till all the water evaporates. Keep stirring the contents repeatedly. 

When only the oil remains, put off the flame. Let it become lukewarm. Strain the oil through a double-layered muslin or a cheese cloth. Add the perfuming oil and blend well.

Transfer the oil into a narrow mouthed glass bottle and secure the cap tightly. 

Usage - You could use this oil directly or diluted with a small amount of sunflower oil or olive oil. Gently massage the body avoiding it's contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas.