Ayurveda and Science

Nagarmotha/नागरमोथा/Cyperus rotundus/Mustaka/Nut Grass


Hindi Name: Nagarmotha
Sanskrit Name: Mustaka
English Name: Nut Grass
Latin Name: Cyperus rotundus Linn
A perennial herb with long tough rootstock emerging in the rainy season in many parts of the world including India. Rhizome of the plant is used for its medicinal properties.

Cyperus Rotundus Medicinal Uses

Nut grass is widely used by Ayurveda to treat many types of disturbances caused by vitiation of pitta. It is traditionally used to quench hard throat of summers, fevers, solar dermatitis etc. It is known through experimental investigations that it exhibits marked anti-inflammatory activity. Consult a doctor if the fever last more than a week.

Chemical Composition

The tubers contain fat, sugar, gum, carbohydrates, essential oil, albuminoid matter, starch fiber and ash. There are traces of an alkaloid. The essential oil is reported to contain about 27 compounds.

Effect on

Pacifies kapha and pitta.
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An extensive climber with large ovate-cordate leaves found growing wild in north-eastern Himalaya and in south India. Bark and root of the plant are used medicinally.

Shalparni Plant

An erect branched undershrub with a short woody stem and numerous prostrate branches found throughout India as forest undergrowth in dry forests upto 900m elevation. Tender aerial parts of the plant are used in Ayurveda for various formulations.


An annual delicate herb cultivated extensively in tropical climate of the country. It is also planted in kitchen garden and as an indoor plant since it is kept sacred in Hindu philosophy. Medicinally the leaves are used for various kind of classical and h


A perennial herb with long tough rootstock emerging in the rainy season in many parts of the world including India. Rhizome of the plant is used for its medicinal properties.


A large tree 16-25 m high with greenish white inflorescence found in northeastern parts of India. The wood of the tree is used in Ayurvedic system.